Thursday, July 21, 2005

Protector cover for print!! I love it!

Posted by Lisa Renee Jones :: 10:11 AM :: 0 comments

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tomorrow is my Birthday

I don't like birthdays. I never really have. Diego tries really hard to make me like them. He does this gift a day for the week thing. He is so sweet. He plans it out and is so thoughtful. No one has ever done something like that for me. Still, I am getting old and feeling it. I think this birthday is hard because I am so in limbo. Am I writer or am I not? I feel like the proposals I have had sort of determine that. It's now or never is how I feel because of all kinds of reasons. Do I get a job or keep writing? I'll have to decide soon. I can't go into another new year without taking a full fledged job again. Deep down I know once I do that its all over. I do everything with such a charge forward attitidue. I just got offered an executive level job yesterday and turned it down. Money made it tempting but this is about the dream. And I want my kids to feel dreams can really happen. If you work for them. Healer is out next week. Woohoo! Glad for that. I love this book. I hope others will. I think its more my new voice. If everyone doesn't love it, ouch lol..See the pressure I am putting on myself right now? BOO! I know, shut up LISA! GRIN.....Imagine how those living with me must feel! Angel season five. We are watching it and dreading the last episode. Diego and I love it. We work out everynight and then eat dinner watching ANGEL.....No more Angel soon. What will we do? Maybe Charmed? I wonder if its good? hmmm...

Posted by Lisa Renee Jones :: 10:43 AM :: 0 comments

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